Qurious Design App : Ludo Kingdom™

                                                                               Ludo Kingdom™

Ludo Kingdom™ – the game owned by Qurious Media plans to buy-back the virtual coins and refunding them in real money 
with certain terms and conditions. However, it will fluctuate in its value.

Download on Android : http://bit.do/emJxK
Download on IOS : https://apple.co/2Jsjr4a

"Ludo Kingdom"- A Free Board Game played with friends, family & kids. Download new Ludo Game App any device.
Ludo Game had its roots in ancient India. It is a cross and circle board game named  Pachisi and was played on a board of symmetrical 
cross. Cowrie shells were used to move the pieces. The Spanish version is Parchís derived from Indian game of Pachisi. Latest game 
"Ludo Kingdom" can be played between 2 to 4 players. Moreover, you can select the option to play the board game against the computer 
or your local friends, as well as you can connect and play with  the unknown players across the globe in multiplayer mode. And in Ludo

Game you can create your own private room and invite your friends to join and play with you. The Ludo App is quite interesting as 
each player gets 4 pieces. Each player has to make these pieces traverse across the board before arriving to the Home-Box. Whichever 
player arrives first with all four pieces in the Home-Box is the winner. The board game can be continued to decide runner-up and third 
place winner. Each player gets a chance to roll the dice. Depending on the number of dots on the dice face, he moves his pieces forward. 
For instance, if a player rolls the dice and it lands on the face having four dots he moves four spaces forward. Moreover if the dice lands
on face having six dots, he will get another chance. We bring same excitement for all of you in a digital application. Play free with your 
family or friends or kids and show them what it takes to be a champion. Come to roll the dice, score high and make your best move 
with Ludo Kingdom!



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